Friday 13 May 2011


Now, I think I explained how it is totally acceptable, on the Camino, to talk to complete strangers about the state of your blisters and show them. Spotaneous treatment centres even occur as mutual advice and support is asked & then ignored. Now I can tell you are wondering where this is going. Not being on the Camino you are probably squerming slightly in case I post a picture of really bad feet. I wont. The photo is important. My feet where in an interesting way (blister the size of a euro as it turns out on my heel - ooops sorry!) I walked 10km and got a bus into Burgos. The best 85 cents to cover 10km EVER. I then duly toured the cathedral. Then I had a melt down. The city was over whelming. Dr Wart & Wil to the rescue (when they eventually stopped gossiping with some MORE Dutch people they met in the cathedral. We got bus tickets to the nest village out of town & found a delightful Aulbergre in a pretty village. I also saw a flock of vultures soaring in the afternoon thermals. Fabulous escape from city turmoil.

1 comment:

  1. Such a powerful impact Cath. Pleased you are with friends and companions who understand. x
