Sunday 8 May 2011


I passed a sign today that said 577km to go to Santiago. So I must have 560km left now. I will reach Burgos the day after tomorrow. I have planned to arrive early so I can site see once register at the Perigrinos (Pilgrim) Hostel.

Last night I stayed in a church bell tower (I am sure the photo´s would do it no justice). A rubbish nights sleep in a loft with 20 others. Got kicked in the back twice by this loud Aussie woman. Well she was loud when she was awake and could not keep still when she was asleep.

We dried our laundry in the eves of the bell tower. I took a good picture of the stained glass window with a te pilgrim references in it. Shame I can´t upload it....

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the photo as my imagination can't quite work out the sleeping in a bell tower bit.
